THE ESSENTIALS OF COMMUNITY (You Got Served v.s. Stomp The Yard)
We need your help UN•THERAPIZING something...
In a previous session, we mentioned that we would be reminiscing on some of our favorite TV shows & movies growing up. As we watched some of these movies growing up, it was pure entertainment, and we practiced dance moves in the mirror.
But as we grew older and watched it through a more mature lens, it started to uncover a different set of values that are essential to our development.
📌 Now, wait, are we really the new adults?
📌Are we really analyzing "You Got Served" & "Stomp the Yard" as the new aunties & uncles?
📌 When did we become the new mentors of the next generation?
Join us for another session of UN•THERAPY as we UN•THERAPIZE the values in some of our favorite movies, the essentials of the right community, & the importance of a strong positive male influence in your life.
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